

Through the following videos, we hope to make people aware of the conditions some Boxers have had to endure and why we are here to help them. On the flip side, the passion and joy that Boxers have for life.

NIBRS in 2008


This video is also on YouTube but when we uploaded it, YouTube said one of the track was under copyright. As a result, we had to do an audioswap and use a single track from the YouTube library. To see the video and hear the replacement track, CLICK HERE



This video is shown by kind permission of Nicky Heeley.


This next video shows a Boxer 'bouncing' with life and it might even make you smile :)

YouTube Screen Shot, please use the 'Click Here' link below
Click Here


The Final video is by our Chairperson Olivia, about her first old Boxer 'Missy', that she rehomed from NIBRS.

Olivia hopes that through this video, she can show people the rewards of adopting a older Boxer, the love they can offer you and the fun they are capable of having.

Please do not over look a Boxer, just because of its age.

YouTube - Missy
Click Here

